Monday, February 23, 2009

Crisis & Leadership

Many of us have read or heard the sayings of Albert Einstein, in he way that in order to innovate or get new results, we can not keep doing the same things. That is, in order to get something different, we need to change ( processes, factors of production, personnel, values, habits, etc).
In addition, during times of crisis, Einstein said: "Do not pretend that things will change if you always do the same. The crisis is the best blessing that can happen to people and countries because crisis brings progress. Creativity is born out of anguish, as the day is born of the dark night.
It is during crisis that arises inventive discoveries and major strategies. Who overcomes the crisis, overcome himself without being "overcome". Who attributes its failures to the crisis and hardship, violences his own talents and respects problems more than solutions. The real crisis, is the crisis of incompetence. The problem of the people and countries, it is laziness to find the exits and solutions.

There is no crisis without challenges. Without challenges life is a routine, a slow death. There is no crisis without merit. Talk of crisis is to promote it, and to quiet crisis, it’s is celebrating conformism. Lets finish al last, with the only crisis that is threatening us, the tragedy of not fighting to overcome it. "
Consciously or unconsciously, Einstein was already demonstrating the difference between technical and adaptive solutions. Clearly, the crisis requires an Adaptive change , to make us all part of the problem and responsible for new solutions for the new reality.
But this requires leadership. It requires someone who dares and take the challenge of mobilizing people in times of uncertainty and scenarios where the answers are not known, and where people should be made responsible for the problem and find solutions. This is the essence of leadership. It requires people willing to put difficult issues on the table, to exert leadership, with or without authority. People willing to swim against the tide and set paradigms. People who can generate tension; a mobilizing tension. But at the same time, people able to contain the pressure generated by the changes and conflicts, but not far enough for passage to decrease the adaptive work.Without leadership, there is no change. No change, no adaptation. Without adaptation, there are no solutions. Pretendig to get out of the crisis without leadership, is like wanting to get out of it, doing the same things, without wanting to "sacrifice" anything in return.

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